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US President Joe Biden lifted important sanctions on Muslim countries as soon as he was sworn in

 US President Joe Biden lifted important sanctions on Muslim countries as soon as he was sworn in

US President Joe Biden lifted important sanctions on Muslim countries as soon as he was sworn in
 US President Joe Biden lifted important sanctions on Muslim countries as soon as he was sworn in

President-elect Joe Biden has signed 17 new presidential decrees repealing many of Donald Trump's partisan policies, including a travel ban imposed by the United States on several Muslim countries. Has been deleted.

According to the presidential decree, the ban on entry of citizens of some Muslim countries to the United States has been lifted, with the hope that a new era has begun between the United States and these Muslim countries.

The United States has rejoined the Paris Agreement on environmental protection under an executive order issued by the President of the United States. The United Nations has welcomed the United States rejoining the Paris Agreement.

Joe Biden has also signed an order to rejoin the US WHO and the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico has been suspended. The US president called the project a waste of money during the election campaign and said Because of this, the resources needed to deal with the real threats have been diverted.

The new president has made it mandatory to wear a mask on federal property in the United States and has canceled leases related to the discovery of oil and gas in the Arctic region.

The new leadership has been warmly welcomed by many countries since President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were sworn in, and it is believed that the new US leadership will establish cordial relations with the rest of the world.

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